Benefits of Directional Thrust Boring

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Directional thrust boring, commonly known as horizontal directional drilling or slant drilling, is a trenchless technology. It is common in the oil and gas industry. It is also quite common in the installation of pipelines and conduits.

It involves laterally drilling various wells through a zone of oil or gas-bearing rock at an angle from a vertical well hole with the help of directional thrust boring equipment. Some of the benefits of directional thrust boring include:

  1. Minimal disruptions

With the proper use of directional thrust boring tools, directional boring has a few surface disruptions while drilling. As compared to open-cut excavation; it leads to deep trenches that tear up the landscape along the line. It also provides for an option with less soil displacement. 

  2. Low Project Construction Costs

The use of proper directional thrust boring tools helps eliminate saw cutting, rehabilitating concrete and sidewalks. Open-cut drilling leads to more costs that will be incurred in the process. With the right amount of tools and expertise, you will save on time, labor, and rehabilitating areas drilled.

  3. Flexibility 

Directional thrust boring continues to gain popularity. This is because directional thrust boring materials can be able to work around obstacles. The rigs lay conduits under water bodies, and artificial barriers are considered virtually impossible or expensive to drill. Underground boring is suitable for different soil compositions, allowing lines to run under busy roads, rivers with minimal interruptions. 

Saves on Time

Open-cut trenching takes a while. This is because you have to dig deep trenches before laying conduits for piping. With the right directional thrust boring tools, you can use automated surfaced launched drilling rigs that run through the soil underneath with less dirt displaced. Direct thrust boring is a faster way to install and saves time on your construction project. 

With the right directional thrust boring equipment, you can make your construction work easy, fast, efficient, and cheap. Contact Pow-R Mole Trenchless Solutions today for more information and services.


Great rentals, excellent service and staff. Very satisfied in my many experiences with them.

Ryan Toal

Quality trenchless equipment and support staff that is always willing to help! Nothing better!

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