Facts About Railhead Underground Products
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When you need to bore or ream through rock or dirt, you can always count on Railhead Underground Products to deliver with utmost efficiency. Their power, accuracy, precision, and durability make them the top choice for crews who need reliable horizontal directional drilling equipment.
Take a look at these facts before you choose some of the Incredible drill bits by Railhead Underground Products from Pow-R Mole Trenchless Solutions.
Unique Drilling Pattern
Railhead’s directional boring drill bits perform a unique drilling pattern. They move in an elliptical configuration, creating a random pattern as they drill through the rock or soil. This creates a larger annular space than the tool’s head, which minimizes wear and tear, boosts flow, and ensures fast course corrections.
Volume Delivers Power
With other horizontal directional drilling tools, crews must apply a lot of pressure to push the drill through hard rock formations. Railhead Underground Products’ drilling bit, the Incredibit, works differently. It uses mud volume to deliver the power to bore and drill through dense material. Your crew won’t have to use as much pressure, which reduces the risk of burning the bit and overheating the motor.
Compatible With Multiple Small Boring Machines
Each Railhead Incredibit works with our small boring machines, including the entire PD lineup of HDD thrusting equipment. This gives you more flexibility for handling different types of jobs. A quick thrust adjustment allows you to pair the Incredibit with our PD4 or PD6 for dirt boring. Pairing the Incredibit with our PD equipment reduces directional drilling time by 50% or more.
Horizontal drilling projects go smoothly when you have the right equipment. Our associates offer product guidance and can assist you with choosing the best tools for any HDD project. To learn more about HDD equipment, particularly Railhead Underground Products, get in touch with us at Pow-R Mole Trenchless Solutions any time!
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Great rentals, excellent service and staff. Very satisfied in my many experiences with them.
Ryan Toal
Quality trenchless equipment and support staff that is always willing to help! Nothing better!
Jeffrey Zanet
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